One conscious action at a time

Chocó 701 is an 80-hectare eco-tourism reserve, 50% of which was deforested by cattle ranching and is currently in the process of reforestation. Working hand in hand with the Water Protection Fund (FONAG), 14 hectares of native trees have been planted so far and the plan is to complete 21 hectares by 2025.
Ecosystem restoration processes have multiple positive impacts: social, economic and ecological. In order to create a sustainable income alternative, Ecotourism has been introduced. Three luxury ecological cabins were built in strategic areas of the forest.
Visitors will be able to enjoy a peaceful environment while learning about the restoration project, connecting with the forest adventure and participating in farm activities.
Ecuador's New Biosphere Reserve covers 45% of the province of Pichincha. The region is considered a cradle of biodiversity that gathers around 270 species of mammals, 210 reptiles, 200 species of birds and 130 amphibians. It was declared by UNESCO as the seventh reserve in the country in 2018.
The activities to do in Chocó 701 are: hiking to the river and 3 waterfalls.

Chocó 701
Through our forest restoration project in the Choco Andino we deliver a conscious legacy to future generations. Support us by visiting our Boutique Lofts, learn about Biosphere Reserves, breathe the forest and plant a tree with your family.

An innovative 360º impact company that combines technological innovation with social impact and sustainability. Its objective is to make the work of grassroots recyclers visible, generate fair remuneration and access to social security, while facilitating the recycling process.

UNICEF's programs are aimed at improving the quality of life of children and families around the world. In the spaces of El Potrero in 2022 it has been achieved:
In 30 admissions, 52 donors joined
On average 1.7 donors per day.
All the spaces at El Potrero connect you with nature. We preserve and enhance a natural environment where you breathe wellness, because we understand that we are deeply interconnected to our planet and there is no individual wellbeing without environmental wellbeing.

We promote the health, physical, mental/emotional well-being and personal growth of each member of our community. We encourage the integration of communities through sports, art, science, business, healing, and we create spaces for family and friends to connect.

We understand that the sustainability of projects with purpose and 360º impact is linked to a clear business vision, committed to innovation, high quality standards and adequate positioning in the market.